Gigamon Overview

Gigamon® provides intelligent Traffic Visibility solutions for enterprises, data centers and service providers around the globe. Their technology empowers infrastructure architects, managers and operators with unmatched visibility into the traffic traversing both physical and virtual networks without affecting the performance or stability of the production environment. Through patented technologies, the Gigamon GigaVUE®portfolio of high availability and high density products intelligently delivers the appropriate network traffic to security, monitoring or management systems.

Gigamon Traffic Visibility Fabric (TVF)
  • TVF is an innovative architecture that delivers pervasive and dynamic visibility of traffic traversing communication network
  • Gigamon provides a new approach of network visibility helping to understand the criticality and priority of one traffic flow over another, one application over another, one packet over another.
  • Able to see across the boundary of physical and virtual; able to see into the cloud and provide the clarity that is essential to secure, maintain and support both physical and virtualized services and applications.
  • NETWORK MIDDLEWARE mediating, filtering, aggregating data sources with the customer Security, Network, Voice, Billing / Analytics management which help optimize and reduce resources, operations and management cost
  • Complements the network infrastructure as well as the monitoring tools.
The Benefit Of TVF
  • Pervasive visibility and control
  • Scalable, high throughput capacity
  • Improved network efficiency and economy
  • Enhanced network reliability
  • Ease of deployment
  • Rapid response to dynamic change
  • Improve ROI on tools spent
  • Reduce OPEX and CAPEX with a solution that can quickly evolve and scale as network needs change
  • Helps ensure the reliability, performance and security of the network infrastructure